If you have any questions about Mason's Department of Cyber Security Engineering we're here to help. You can contact us through general information or talk to a specific member of our department.
If you're interested in pursuing a degree cyber security engineering, we want to help you make that happen.
To reach out with specific questions or comments, you can contact us through our general information sources, or talk to a specific member of our department.
For General Information
Call: 703-993-6760
Information about undergraduate programs and administrative support: cyseug@gmu.edu
Information about graduate programs: cysegrad@gmu.edu
Cyber Security Engineering Department
Room 359 (Mail Stop 6B1)
Research Hall
George Mason University
10401 York River Road
Fairfax VA 22030
Department Leaders:
Paulo Costa, Department Chair and Professor
Chair, Cyber Security Engineering
Professor, Cyber Security Engineering and Systems Engineering Operations Research
331 Research Hall Building, MSN: 6B1
Email: pcosta@gmu.edu
Peggy Brouse, Associate Chair and Professor
Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies, Cyber Security Engineering
Professor, Cyber Security Engineering and Systems Engineering Operations Research
338 Research Hall Building, MSN: 6B1
Email: pbrouse@gmu.edu
Lisa Nolder, Director for Student Affairs and Academic Excellence
328 Research Hall Building, MSN: 6B1
Email: snolder@gmu.edu
Getting Here: When you get to Mason, get on University Drive, which will turn into Patriot Circle. Go through two stop signs; at the second stop sign, turn right on Sandy Creek Way. Make an immediate left into the visitor parking level of the Shenandoah Parking Deck.
Parking: From the Shenandoah Parking Deck, proceed towards the back exit; (parking closest to the exit will be closest to Research Hall). Walk out of the garage exit and downhill on York River Road. Research Hall is on the right next to the Engineering building.